FAQs: Dermstore Coupons, Promo Codes & Deals 2024
Is there a Dermstore loyalty program?
Yes, simply join the Dermstore Rewards program via the website to get started. For every $1 spent, you earn five points, and you can earn even more during 2x points events and by leaving product reviews. 500 points are equal to 5 Dermstore Dollars, which can be put towards future orders.
Does Dermstore offer free shipping?
Dermstore offers free standard shipping on US orders. Orders shipped within the continental US have an expected arrival time of 5 to 8 business days. Orders shipped to Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and US territories have an expected arrival time of 5 to 14 business days.
Are Dermstore gift cards available?
Yes, you can purchase eGift cards on the Dermstore website. Choose from $25, $50, $75, $100, or $200. Gift cards are redeemable for merchandise and services on the Dermstore website only and are not redeemable at a Dermstore Spa & Salon.
What is the Dermstore return policy?
Dermstore offers refunds or store credit for returns made within 60 days of order receipt. Returns made within 90 days of order receipt are eligible only for store credit. Ship returned items to the attention of the Dermstore Returns Processing Department, located at 1200 Worldwide Boulevard in Hebron, KY.